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Welcome to Australia's premier online store for Test and Tag Equipment and Supplies.
Appliance Testing Supplies provides you with a secure online purchasing facility, containing a complete range of Test & Tag Machines available in Australia.
By using our interactive comparison charts, you can compare the features and benefits of all the PAT testers available. This will allow you to make an informed decision on which Appliance Tester is most suitable for your application.
Our Technical Sales Team is available for advice over the phone on 1300 656 938 between 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
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- Australia's best online resources for comparing Portable Appliance Testers
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Featured Testers
This Metrel starter kit comes with everything you'll need to start testing and tagging, including the highly popular DeltaPAT 3309 BT appliance tester.
The PAC3760 DL is one of Seawards basic appliance testers that offers user-friendly operation and a great value option. Considering its price range it comprises of many useful features, such as being battery powered, RCD testing capabilities and is printer compatible.
The all new Wavecom TnP-500 is an extremely popular all-in-one kit, making it well suited for high volume testing or for people testing multiple sites and locations. It'll automate your entire test and tag process from start to finish, thereby increasing your overall productivity and quickening your testing procedure.
The DeltaPAT Go Print kit offers an advanced Portable Appliance Testing solution and a large number of highly unique features that will transform the way you test and tag.